Brand Guidelines
Thank you for your interest in the West Des Moines Community Schools (WDMCS) brand! To offer each group choices and direction for promoting their activities, we provide official brand guides, annually updated vendor lists, and step-by-step guidelines.
Start a Brand Project
Project Steps
Fill out a Brand Project Request Form for EVERY project you're doing with WDMCS, like uniforms, clothes, and signs. You or your approved vendor should do this. The vendor needs to make sure this step is done.
You'll get an email saying your project is approved, and it will have a number. This number means you can go ahead with your design. Tell your vendor this number, and they need to include it when they email the design review contact.
Once WDMCS approves your project request, pick a vendor from the current year's Approved Vendor list. If you're using an online vendor like Vistaprint or Custom Ink, ask the Communications Department for help.
Work with your group and the vendor to follow the brand guidelines in the WDMCS and school style guides. This includes using the right logos, colors, and fonts. If the vendor says not to use a design for a brand guideline reason, listen to them.
Send all designs to WDMCS' design review contact at for approval before starting the project.
When your designs get approved, go ahead and finish your project!
Brand Resources
Vendor Information
To support a consistent, identifiable, and respected brand presence, West Des Moines Community Schools (WDMCS) has an Approved Vendor List that is updated each year. All vendors must complete the annual application process and sign licensing agreements stating that they will follow the brand guidelines and terms of use.